Main Home Renovation Renovation in a Bathroom Bathroom renovation

Bathroom renovation

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Before proceeding directly to the repair, you need to prepare a project, clearly identifying where and what will be. You may have to make alterations, shift and expand the area of ​​the wall, or transfer of communication.

Residents of small apartments suffer from a lack of space. This can be easily fixed by modifying the location of the walls. But any repairs must not violate applicable laws, for example, to remove or move bearing walls, the existing communication, the making of non-residential premises and residential stuff.

Novaya bathroom komnata

Ideally, prior to the work of the project is to examine the organization of the room, preparing a project, agree to your local department of architecture and urban planning and records the changes in the BTI. Only then can you get to work.


Consider the case of repair of an apartment when the toilet and bathroom. If they merge, the new location carefully designed communications, additional space can be obtained, for example, a washing machine, unloading at the same kitchen. Can be part of the corridor to the bathroom together, and the entrance to the bedroom and into the kitchen to move. There are many options.

Thus, with re-finished. Now, on to interior decoration. According to our idea walls and floor of the bathroom will be lined with ceramic tiles, ceiling painted with waterproof paint. Also planned to replace the toilet, tub and buying new furniture.

First you need to clean the walls of the old tile and paint. You must do it carefully, until the masonry, otherwise the new tile will fall unevenly, and after a while begins to crumble and repairs will have to start all over again.

The next step is to Putty walls and ceiling. Сlearcole treated walls and the ceiling to сlearcole.


Concrete floor - a perfect base for tile, but other than waterproofing definitely need to align. For sale is a special solution, equalizing the level.

The third stage will be the repair replacement of water and sewer pipes, risers between floors. In any case can not afford to repair at this stage, because the old rusty pipes may break down at the worst possible moment. A better option is plastic, it is not affected by corrosion, does not oxidize and will last a long time. Be sure to hold the floor and waterproofing joints between floors and walls. This will secure the apartment neighbors under you, if you suddenly decide to flood, forgetting to switch off water in the bathroom before leaving.

Choosing tiles - a simple question. First, wall and floor tiles are not only looks, but also the basic features. Floor tiles are usually thicker and stronger, because it is designed for a higher load, and specially treated surface does not slip when walking on a wet floor. If we consider that in the winter in a cool apartment, it is better to choose a warm tile. When buying is better to take a little more material in the process always need a small margin.

Now you can lay tile

Use a level to perform the layout horizontally and vertically. Better to start with the walls, which will be near the bathroom. Then set up the bathtub. If its front panel is closed, you can save money and do not spread the floor tiles under it enough concrete screed. If the door to the bathroom to change, it should be done before laying the tiles. The harness also set in advance. Need to provide outlets for washing machine, heated towel rail, hair dryer. You can also provide additional light sources - in addition to the main lighting to illuminate the mirrors, using high-power LEDs.


Set the toilet, and only after that can be spread tiled walls and floor. Then secure the skirting around the perimeter of the ceiling and paint the ceiling. For this we use a waterproof emulsion paint. Shade can be combined with the tile or to remain white. The paint does not darken and crumble, do not accumulate condensate. Alternatively, use a stretch ceiling or plastic panels. You can now seal the joints between the tiles. Color of the solution we choose the color of the tiles, they are now on sale a great choice.


The main work is done. Now it remains to remove the remnants of building materials and get rid of the dust. Set the sink, faucets, hang cabinets, mirrors, furniture set and fill it with everything you need.

That's it. Now you can invite guests as experts and celebrate updated bathroom.

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