Main How to Disassemble How to Disassemble Mobile Devices Emergency Auto Starter JX-R02

Emergency Auto Starter JX-R02

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

In detail about podobdnom device, read the previous article about Intego AS-0211.

A small overview

Characteristics, according to the label:

  • Capacity: 30000 mAh.
  • Starting current: 300 A.
  • The maximum current: 600 A.
Label JX-R02

This went in the box. A classic in the box for such devices cover a number of different nozzles inside.

Cover open


Seen in the photo above unit in the chain of positive lead? This one:

block in the chain of positive lead
block in the chain of positive lead

Open and see what's inside. Opens without irreversible changes, rests on the latch on the one hand and on the flexible plastic connector on the other side.

block in the chain of positive lead open
block in the chain of positive lead open
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