Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair Kindle Screen Replacement

Kindle Screen Replacement

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

On the e-book Amazon Kindle D00901 cracked screens. Let's try to replace him. This model is made on the basis of electronic ink.

Amazon Kindle D00901. Front
Amazon Kindle D00901. Rear view

First, remove the back cover, it must be podkovyrnut something sharp, it does not fastened.

Podkovyrnem back kryshku

Inside we see a bunch of cogs, most of which need to unscrew for further disassembly. Not all, but the deal easier to unscrew it like I did.

Otkryty Amazon Kindle

In this model, only two types of screws - black and shiny, so I folded them into one pile and remember where the color of standing (photo to help me). If large quantities of screws, like this, I recommend to take pictures before unscrewing it always helps to remember their location.

Turning off the screen connector.

Razem screen otklyuchen

Remove the battery, disable small razemchik with red and black wires (seen from above), two small loops side buttons and keyboard loop.

Akkumulyator snyat

Then, carefully take out the motherboard.

Materinskaya fee snyata

We take out the gray divider plate with a keyboard.

Grey plate is removed, see the screen.

After the screen can be removed, it is adhered to the body. Unstick it. Be careful not to smash a thin body.

Razbity screen snyat

It remains to insert a new screen and collect all. The screen will come soon and I will write about the replacement.

Found a graphic video of the disassembly of the device. There's even more detail it was dismantled:

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