Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair Lenovo P780 Screen Replacement

Lenovo P780 Screen Replacement

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Crashed on Lenovo P780 screen, so much so that the sensor stopped working, and the LCD remained intact. By the way, collect data in such a failure will help USB OTG-cable (USB On-The-Go-on the one side of the USB plug in the computer, the other mini/micro-USB connector) and the usual USB-mouse. Connect a mouse to the phone-appears on the screen cursor and act.

Despite the integrity of the LCD screen the author decided to change the entire assembly (LCD and sensor), because the sensor in the phone the whole area is glued to the LCD screen, that is, to change it need more care when laundering division and LCD screen from residues adhesive, and the adhesive was not connected. Price on the screen assembly is quite acceptable-about $ 30 on Aliexpress.

The screen was commissioned successfully arrived-proceed to repair.

Lenovo P780. The battery cover is removed.

The battery is "non-removable". He certainly pulled out, but you need to unscrew a few screws that hold it and turn it off connector.

Remove all visible screws and remove the back cover.

Lenovo P780. The back cover is removed
Lenovo P780. The back cover is removed
Lenovo P780. The back cover is removed
Lenovo P780. The back cover is removed

And here untwist all that see and remove the battery after removing its connector, then disconnect the two loops on top of the motherboard. One from the end of the device-from the sensor, the other side near the battery as razёmchika-from the LCD screen, disconnect the small RF connector on chёrnenkom wire. Now you can remove the motherboard, only carefully-from the bottom connected to it one more connector. Lift the card and unplug the bottom connector. Everything is now possible to remove the charge.

Motherboard removed
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