Main Technics Repair Repair of a car Common Rail Injector Removing

Common Rail Injector Removing

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Engine Common Rail Injectors sometimes need to be cleaned, repaired or replaced. To do this, they need to be removed from the engine. As I did this I'll discuss in this article.

Before you begin. It is important.

Some injectors have the correction codes on the amount of fuel injected. Therefore, before removing it is desirable to find out whether they have your injectors. If you have, or are unable to obtain such information, it is best to remember what was where the nozzle, the worse will not, and if there are no codes, the place settings are not critical, as in my case.

If you look under the hood, we are likely to see a plastic dust heat shield.

Pyle-teplozaschitny kozhuh

It rests on the four bolts. They unscrew, remove the cover. Now we see the engine itself.

Engine CRDI

First, open the box and fuse under the hood and pull out the fuel pump relay. This is to ensure that diesel fuel is not flooded the engine and the floor if you suddenly need to turn on the ignition.

Rele izvlecheno

Then disconnect the electrical connectors nozzles.

Razemy otklyucheny

Pull out the locking brackets, that are fixed reverse connection hose.

Remove the retainer from the left nozzle
Removed all retaining clips

Use a screwdriver or something flat Disconnect the injector return hose and remove it.

Obratnye hoses otsoedineny
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18.08.2016 at 03:30 Olivier Blanco-Alcaraz said:

Hello and thank you for your blog.

It's great with so many informations. Wonderful !

I have a Hyundai 1.5 CRDI and I changed my injection pump but now I have a problem. I do not know how to connect the supply and return pipes and fuel that are on the common rail and returns to the pump ...

Could you help me please ?

Arueiz you have a photo, a drawing, a plan?

With thanks.

Sincerely yours!


Привет и спасибо за ваш блог.

Это здорово с таким количеством информаций. Замечательно !

У меня есть Hyundai 1.5 CRDi и я изменил свой топливный насос высокого давления, но теперь у меня есть проблема. Я не знаю, как подключить питание и отводящие трубы и топлива, которые находятся на общей топливной магистрали и возвращается к насосу ...

Не могли бы вы мне помочь, пожалуйста ?

Arueiz у вас есть фотография, рисунок, план?

С благодарностью.

Искренне Ваш!

18.08.2016 at 11:27 George said:


Please take a look on the picture below. Hope it will help you. If not, please give more detailed description and som photos if it possible.

18.08.2016 at 11:28 George said:


26.04.2017 at 17:58 robert downey said:

55 plate hyundai getz 1.5 diesel wont start .open injector pipes and turn ignition on and loads of diesel pumping out.aa breakdown man said its high pressure pump.what does high pressure pump that is on engine do.thanks

26.04.2017 at 18:28 George said:

High pressure pump makes pressure of 200 bar and more when camshaft is rotating. Without rotating high pressure pump does nothing.